“Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 16:33

Location & Service Times
Service Times
Sunday 10:00am
Wednesday 6:00pm
Meet OUR Pastor
Roger and Renee Feiler felt led by God to pastor Lakeland United Pentecostal Church in Alexandria, MN in 2001. They both received their Bachelor of Theology degree from Apostolic Bible Institute in St Paul, MN. He is an ordained minister with the United Pentecostal Church International. They have served in various positions in the Minnesota District of the UPCI: Sunday School secretary, Camp Principal, and Men’s Director. Currently, Roger serves as Presbyter and Renee as Ladies Ministry Secretary. They have four children and five grandchildren.
What to expect when you visit
Friendly greeting as you walk through the doors
To encounter regular people desiring to know more about God, build strong families, and make a
difference in their world
Lively worship music as we start the service with praise and worship
Fun, interactive Sunday school class for ages 2-5yrs - Activity I Lesson I Snack
Teaching and preaching from the Bible that is informative, engaging, and practical
An opportunity to learn how to be more like Christ
Want to join a Bible study?
We would love to sit down at a coffee shop, or home setting and dig into the word of God. If you have questions or want to simply learn more about the Bible you’ve come to the right place. What does it mean to be saved? Who do I pray to? How do I pray? How can I live as a disciple of Jesus?